Part of the fun of college athletics will always be the debate surrounding it. "Is this team better than another?" "Who is the greatest college football player of all time?" "What is your favorite mascot?" The color and passion of our fans makes this sport so great.
I appreciate it. So does the entire Auburn family.
This week, Steve Spurrier suggested Alabama could beat some NFL teams. I know Steve. I respect Steve. Steve likes to joke about things. I am certain he was joking in this case.
Still, since many have asked me this question, I will answer. I feel certain in saying this.
Auburn University could not beat an NFL team in a game of football.
This is impossible for many reasons. First, NFL teams are bigger, faster, and stronger at every position. Unlike student-athletes, they have all week to hone their craft. They do not have class to attend. They are not limited by NCAA rules regarding practice time.
For these reasons alone, any NFL team could beat any college team on the field of play.
In Auburn's case this is true for many reasons.
For example, at one point this season, we started Clint Moseley at quarterback because he was our best option. I respect Clint as a competitor, and as a man. He would be my first option for many things: son-in-law, business partner, employee, and friend. One of these things is not being a starting quarterback in the SEC.
Furthermore, in the Arkansas game, our offense rushed for only 40 yards against the Razorbacks. This is a team that lost to Rutgers at home. Ole Miss and Vanderbilt beat us. We only scored 21 points against Texas A&M. (They scored 63.)
I have a list of teams that are behind us in total offense, nationally speaking. Here is that list:
There are no names. We are last, 120th in college football, in total offense. In the NFL, I am afraid the Auburn offense would give up three safeties, perhaps four, a game. I fear that sometimes now.
Clint Moseley. Was. Our. Starter.*
Defensively, the mismatches would be appalling. I believe the Lord has a plan for us all, and God willing, Johnny Manziel's is to be broken in half in the NFL by a 270 pound linebacker who runs a 4.5. But if he did that to our defense, imagine what Mike Vick could do. That Mike Vick, the one who lost his job to Nick Foles.
Matt Ryan could run the zone read and gain one hundred yards on us. I have just now taken a moment to imagine this very. It is funnier than I would like it to be. Try it. You will probably laugh in your comfortable office chair thinking about it, too. Laughter is important. Do not forget to enjoy it several times a week for your health.
I feel so confident in saying this that I would guarantee any of the following things in any scenario between Auburn football and a professional football team.
- We would play in a manner that would make Auburn University and the Auburn University family proud of our effort.
- We would bring pride with our style of play.
- The Auburn football team would approach every play with the dedication our students bring to every day on the campus of Auburn University.
- We would lose by eighty points to a team coached by Norv Turner.
Having said this: I feel confident we could compete in the kicking game. We have not missed a PAT all season, and have made all fourteen attempted.
Oregon has not missed a PAT either. They have attempted 55 of them in the year 2012.
Have a blessed day,
Gene Chizik
*1-0 against Florida, however.