For one reason or another, we seek to subject both ourselves and you, the listener, to doing 35 podcasts for 35 bowls again. Why? In the words of ultramarathoner Jack Denness, when asked why he once ran not only the full length of the Badwater once, but then ran back and did it again in reverse?
[pointed to temple with finger, made screwball motion] [laughed]
That's what Denness said to me at least, but here's our answer: fuck us, that's why. This weekend's games number only two, and that seems to be a doable task even for perpetual procrastinators like ourselves and Aunt Stabby. As always, we promise to keep them to around five minutes or so for sanity's sake, and also because very few people besides John Hodgman and Barry Switzer have anything interesting to say after five minutes.
You may also download it here for further enjoyment. This game does have two very entertaining offenses and two very bad defenses playing in it, but does not have Bob Davie. He was the most interesting result in the photo tool that we had rights to that did not involve Gene Chizik's terrifying toothless mouth. You are welcome, and the game is tomorrow at 1 p.m. EST on ESPN.