A vast and lonesome plain. On it, a bedraggled people walk, shackled in chains, walk toward the horizon. Cruel warriors prod them on with pikes and swords, occasionally pulling one out of the line and decapitating them for their own twisted pleasure. They laugh as the villagers cower.
Warrior one: Haaa!
Warrior two: Haaa, I say!
Warrior one: What manner of man could stop us?
Voice out of nowhere: "No man needed, man."
A spear sings through the air. Warrior one grabs the end, oddly calm given that the spear is sitting clean in his neck, thrown by a skilled yet vengeful hand. Warrior two is horrified, and wheels around to look for the spearthrower. A voice sings through the air.
Dana Horsewomen: "THAT SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS, MAN. For you, I mean. Ladies, let's do this."
Horsewomen: "Yes, daddy."
The Horsewomen of Stickdrawcaban slaughter the soldiers and free the innocent villagers, Dana Horsewomen winks at the camera, and we go to commercial. DANA HORSEWOMEN and the HORSEWOMEN OF STICKDRAWCABAN: only on TNT this fall.