At 1 pm today @lsucoachmiles will rappel down 24-story One American Place in Baton Rouge to support "Over the Edge for Adoption" campaign
— LSU Football (@LSUfball) May 30, 2013
He does this weekly anyway, but making it a charity activity is a nice move, nonetheless. To compete with this, Bret Bielema is going to climb something tall and jump off it, like, you know, the high dive he does bitchin' cannonballs off of in his backyard. Someone please beer Bret Bielema before he has to do it himself, because it's past noon on the East Coast, bros.
A ROBOT BENDING OVER AND FARTING AN ARTILLERY SHELL. Or an American Gladiators logo, if you want to say that's what the American Conference logo looks like.
SEE, CLEARLY HE NEEDED THE STREET MEDICINES OF FLORIDA. Florida transfer and current Kansas Jayhawk Chris Martin is one of three charged in connection with a home invasion in Lawrence, Kansas. This will be part of a Fulmer Cupdate later, but we just imagine a home invasion in Kansas as being initially terrifying, and then sad when everyone realizes there's nothing to do at the next house, either. <---HAS NEVER BEEN TO KANSAS, IS HATER
MOBILE NEVER LOOKED BETTER. Eventually A.J. McCarron will have the full torso tat-suit of a true Alabama Yakuza member.
A MICHIGAN MAN HAS HIS OWN FONT. And names it "The Victors,"because of course they did.
STRAWBERRIES ARE DELICIOUS, COACH. Pete Lembo on Twitter, just dispensing important culinary preferences.
ETC: A bear, a plan, a Russia. Ballin' on $20 for a dinner for our by Hugh Acheson, lawya. Prancercise, yet another innovation from the state of Florida.