FLY YOU BEAUTIFUL TURKEY, FLY. We know this started out as mockery, but damn if it doesn't turn into something sad and beautiful after a few replays.
That's like a live-action "Wish For Wings That Work" right there. (via MGoBlog)
READ THE TAILGATE READ THE TAILGATE READ THE TAILGATE. There is no excuse just shut up and go read it there are Dr. Claw Bama uniforms and they are like the 35th most humorous thing in it NO SHUT UP AND JUST GO READ IT YOU HEEL THERE IS LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE TO DO TODAY BESIDES THE READING OF THE TAILGATE GO READ IT SHUT UP AND GO READ IT.
OH YOU SAY ATHLETES GET FAKE CLASSES AND ARE SHUNTED THROUGH THE SYSTEM HMM. The second part of the SI series on Oklahoma State finds that tutors did work for students who still failed at a school with a crappy APR over the past five years. So if Oklahoma State has a pattern of cheating greater than the general population of students at large, um...it ain't working. Ooh, and more citing of dead guys as examples! WARM UP THE PULITZER WAGON, BOYS, and ponder this marvelous GIF as a counterpoint.
To NDNation's credit, the commenters below suggest that the proposal is the stupidest thing they have ever heard, which is saying a LOT.
HI, HATERS. Oklahoma State happens to have their own site dedicated to responding solely to the SI story. (Haters.)
IN LIGHTER BIG 12 NEWS. Ames is the new home of Initech.
NO. You can think about the question, though. It's a fun exercise! Like Turkish Get-Ups, but where the weight crushes you in the end and breaks every bone in your body.
THIS IS ABOUT RIGHT. Roll damn American tribes games.
YOU HAVE TAJH BOYD'S APPROVAL, A&M. Saban heard that, and wrote it down just in case y'all meet in a bowl game.
ETC: Anthony Bourdain can almost kick his wife's ass.
Garth Feeney, East Lake High School.