We are totally in favor of giving the Heisman to Sebastian Tretola at this point. If not him, give it to Jameis Winston twice in order to finally drain the last bit of meaning from an award without much actual meaning left, anyway. NDAMUKONG SUH WAS ROBBED.
WHOA HOLY THROWBACK. The towel's a nice touch, here, Texas A&M.
BUUUUUUUUUUUD. He's all too happy to help you lose money, especially in an advanced reverse curse pick for Florida to cover. (LOL if you're thinking Gurley's absence means anything with Nick Chubb and his giant squatting legs waiting in the backfield.)
MORE THAN RASHAD GREENE, BUT YEAH, RASHAD GREENE. Card Chronicle previews the FSU offense, which yes has more weapons than Rashad Greene, but seriously even at his current lauded level Rashad Greene doesn't get enough credit for his ridiculous level of production.
MO COLLINS WAS A BIG, NICE MAN. Florida lineman D.J. Humphries had kind words about Collins, who died this week at the age of 38 from kidney failure. We hope Collins taught him all the good stuff before he passed, i.e. all the gloriously dirty stuff he excelled at while in Gainesville.
ETC. Jose Canseco was a straight-A student in high school, and that's why grades are meaningless. Marcin Gortat is a damn warrior. Hey, Gangsta Boo has a new mixtape, you should play it for your kids and stuff.