ALL GOLD EVERYTHANG, AGAIN. Miss State's gold-accented Egg Bowl unis are one of our favorite variations, mostly because putting gold trim on stuff is so sincerely countryfied it hurts.
This one is for Mississippi. Mississippi State’s new #EggBowl TECHFIT uniforms. #HailState#teamadidaspic.twitter.com/Gg4oPxuyeL
— adidas Football US (@adidasFballUS) November 4, 2014
And yes, it's a nod to the rivalry trophy, but we hope it's also a subtle nod to every State fan who ever unwisely spent money on flashy chrome and gold trim for their truck, too.
GO WATCH MAX GARCIA WEEP. Really, go do it right now.
95.2%. The probability of Georgia beating Florida this past Saturday in a game that, to everyone's shock, Florida ended up winning by a beer-fat margin. The point: even The Numerical is baffled by you, Will Muschamp.
QUALITY BIG TEN GRAPHICS RIGHT THERE. The BTN should really look into them, and we're not lying.
A SCHIANO MAN NEVER FORGETS THE TACO SEASONING. The idea of Greg Schiano trying to "enjoy himself" at his next coaching stop is delightful, especially when his staff finds him in his office peering over a huge O.E.D. looking up the definition of the word "enjoy."
ETC: Alaska, can you tolerate political leaders who can't tear ass on a snow machine? Yellow cards all around, dammit. You see, Sophia Loren's concerns were mostly architectural and structural ones. Luke O'Neil's Manaus piece is awesome.