SHUTDOWN FULLCAST BACK. For the first time all three of us are in the same room AND actually guest-edited by Ty from the Solid Verbal, so if we sound even more mellifluous than usual it's because of superior production, not any appreciable incrase in talent, planning, or execution. (Those remain haphazard as always.) The topics for the week include:
- Ryan and Jason doing duelling Andrew Luck imitations for four minutes
- Why everyone is always polite at a gun range
- Did you hear that Florida State lost by 39 points #talkinboutthenoles
- New reader questions, including setting up the best possible fights between teams for the 2015 season
- Actual title game talk, if you happen to make it all the way to the 35 minute mark
As always, listen in the Soundcloud player below, subscribe on iTunes, or download directly here.