Sometimes, a team needs a maypole, a rallying point, a symbol of both their current situation and the attitude necessary to get out of that situation. Sometimes, more than anything else, a team needs an exemplar, a totem, a person who represents the right words, actions, and gestures for that crucial moment in their history. A Joan of Arc for the battle; a Liberté leading the people over the barricade; an Ernest leading you to camp.
In an era where Florida football has put on white pants and soiled itself, running back Adam Lane continues to step up to be just that kind of leader.
"It was the best thing that could have happened," Lane said. "It got a lot of attention and just put me in a place where I was out there publicly and people knew who I was. I really didn’t get a lot of grief from it."
Lane also said he wasn’t even expecting to play during the bowl game, and was grateful at the opportunity having only seen eight carries in the regular season.
"It was awesome to be out and just be able to showcase my talent and take advantage of the opportunity I had," Lane said.
Florida football pooped its pants in so many ways and you know what WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT WORK BECAUSE ADAM LANE MADE IT WORK AND SO CAN WE ALL. Besides, it's not poop is the worst substance someone's poured on the Legion Field turf in the past year or so. Might have been bringing the overall cleanliness of the place up a notch, actually.
BTW: Florida has, like, two running backs on the roster right now, so let's just let them run non-contact drills in wheelchairs until fall.