Man, we almost totally forgot about so many things this year. That thing where we bumped fists with Shreveport native Tim Brando? That happened, and then a gorilla leapt from our collar and accepted a light from Tim Brando's pyrokinetic fists. Tim Brando can summon flame with a mere blink of an eye, and the resulting terror of knowing that has helped him get to where he is today. Remember this before speaking ill of him, lest you spontaneously burst into flame.
We also forgot that the Independence Bowl existed, and about that brief flurry of FUNROE OR DIE that made ULM so popular for three hot weeks in September, but both do still exist, and will be playing in today. Ohio is also playing, and if you like trapped, slow animals, you'll watch the Big Ten's brother from another mother try to defend one of the few team brave/crazy enough to play two quarterbacks on the field at the same time.
Also, ULM lost to Auburn, which is really, really bad to remember considering what you know now about Auburn 2012.
Listen below, or download the whole thing here.