Coloradans enjoy a few more rights than the average American. They can smoke marijuana legally, and can keep buffalo in their front yards without the zoning commission getting all up their ass about it. The first is a real legal right; the second is a guy we saw up around Nederland, Colorado, and then sped off without talking to because holy shit, what indomitable terror of a human being that must be.
The point is that Coloradans are free to do things other than drink, and sometimes keep huge animals as pets. What they are not free to do is drink too much and then smash someone's head into a brick wall in an altercation, especially if you are a huge pet called "a former lineman for the Colorado football team named Alexander Lewis, who can drink you under several large tables stacked end to end."
Lewis said he drank six glasses of wine, 10 beers and six shots of various other alcohols that night. He did not know how much Webb had to drink.
We normally wouldn't be concerned with your average former player arrest but for that mention of Jordan Webb, the CU quarterback who picked up a second-degree assault penalty charge and was still in custody as of the Daily Camera's post on it. His degree of involvement was unclear, but for his sake we hope it did not involve having 22 drinks in a night. Even on a young liver that's asking for the Ragnarok of hangovers.
Three points to CU in the Fulmer Cup.