SOMETHING WILL DEFINITELY HAPPEN OR NOT HAPPEN TODAY. The Mack Brown Saga either ends or continues today, per Chip Blood of Orangebrowns.Cow. Whatever happens, Mack's lawyer is still Joe Jamail, Texas megabooster and the man who did this.
Jamail’s buddies—singer Willie Nelson and former University of Texas football coach Darrell Royal—were in a white limo, begging him to go out for a drink or two. "I tried telling them that this was the biggest damn case of my life—hell, of anybody’s life—and that I needed to prepare," says Jamail. "But they weren’t having any part of it. They kept me up all fucking night drinking. I could barely see straight the next morning." Jamail did just fine...The result: On Nov. 20, 1985, a Texas jury returned a $10.53 billion verdict for Jamail’s client, Pennzoil Co., against Texaco Inc. It remains the largest verdict upheld on appeal in legal history. The case later settled for $3.3 billion. Jamail’s personal take topped $400 million, according to reports.
Texas remains amazing in every way, and not just because Jamail once described a fellow attorney's depo skills as being so bad they could "knock a maggot off a meat wagon."
HEY, WE GOT AN OFFER FROM A SPECIAL PROFESSIONAL SPORTS TEAM! A very long way of saying no to a Redskins luxury suite.
YOUNGSTOWN'S FINEST. Eleven Warriors posts the second part of their piece on the upcoming Mo Clarett documentary, and oh hey 2002 Snoop Dogg.
YOU MAD, MAD PERSON, YOU. Holly previewed every bowl, presumably because Grantland has completely shredded her sanity. (Not that you need that, anyway.) READ IT MEMORIZE IT COMMIT IT TO A FULL-SIZED BACK TATTOO.
TY HILDENBRANDT, UNCHAINED. It's always a good listen, but the Solid Verbal is at its best when Ty goes slightly bitchmaster on us.
YES, BUT STILL READ IT. Bill C went to the SEC Championship Game and determined that Atlanta is the perfect place for the game in a lot of good and bad ways, because Atlanta is so disorganized we don't even succeed or fail in one decisive direction.
ETC: Sure, go ahead and try not to watch the entirety of When We Were Kings today. When baseball agents fight they say things like "THIS IS HOW IT'S GONNA BE" and then slap each other. Sure, El Sonidito set to Rammstein works today.