The SB Nation staff believes almost any school seems like a believable 16-seed in the NCAA Tournament. Even the fake ones.
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Compiled with Celebrity Hot Tub, Jon Bois, and Jason Kirk
Gunt State Vapers
Voltron State Moneydoctors
University of Jack Reachers
UL-Boston Ragin' Irish
Randy Travis A&M (Arson and Menacing)
Coastal Oklahoma Pirates
University of Wisconsin-Appleton Larrys
Manhattan A&M Aggies
Saint Dabo's Hilltrippers
Illinois State Technical College of Texas-Alaska Sooners
Dog The Bounty Hunter Tech Stunners
Wu-Tang College of Real Estate and Alternative Medicine
Bitcoin College Fedenders
College of the Holy Rawse Bawses Sponsored by Wingstop
The Falmouth State Activia
Cal State-Stockton Garbagedragons
Connecticut Poly-Arts Progressive University (CPAP) Gaspers
Welcome To Moe's Southwest Grill-Baptist Zappers
Paul Blart Military College Blarts
William and Theodore College Wild Stallyns
Virginia Mystikal Institute Tarantulas
New Atlantis University Buoyant-Men
UMIP (Utah Monotechnic Institute of the Paranormal) Cauldron Stirrers
Florida Hobo College Sunny Times Ramblers
Mntana Colege of Letter-Thievs
Tri-State Area Cubicle Kings
Terrebonne Parish École Militaire Crossbow Cocodrie
West Bangerdale Toffee Gods
Snake Forest Hobblin' Tipplers
The Wyoming State Steve
Bikini Atoll Tech 30 Foot Crabs That Can Fly And Shriek Electromagnetic Waves
Saint Chad College Poor Kids
Delaware Tax Academy Ruffians