We spent an undisclosed and disgraceful amount of time in the arms of LoudGIF today. Like most great things on the internet, it is simple, very stupid, and you've been doing it for an hour straight without even really noticing the passage of time now that we've shown it to you, and thus ruined your day completely.
It's basically GIFSound with a better, prettier interface, and it's the perfect weapon to take something like Bret Bielema doing the "Single Ladies" dance and set it to, yes, "Single Ladies," or maybe put Steve Spurrier winging a headset to "Bitch." The things one could do, in theory, with Les Miles are endless. Sad Urban Meyer, already sublime, gets ten times as good when set to "Crossroads."
So your challenge is issued: do worse/better than Goldy going ECW on Bucky to the tune of the Pointer Sisters, and leave it in the comments below. It's Tuesday at 4:30 in the offseason. "Something else to do" is an imaginary animal you shot with a bow and arrow illegally at Bullshit Stop Saying Bullshit State Park.