Sure, you want to talk about the Iron Bowl and Championship Week, but after such an intense weekend of activity we need to ease into it. Stretch a bit. Maybe talk for a good twenty minutes about the restaurants most likely to be stocked to the rafters with sad people eatings meals of sorrow alone and abandoned by the world.
We are on iTunes under sports podcasts now, but you may listen/download directly here, or listen on Soundcloud below.
The leaders in the clubhouse after much internet and podcast discussion, for the record:
- Applebees. Now with robot waiters for MAXIMUM SADNESS.
- Waffle House. Somewhat debunked for on the podcast, because as we point out: one is never truly alone at Waffle House, ever, even if one wants to be. It's part of the design.
- Denny's.
- Shoney's.
- Panera. Basically built so everyone is sort of alone even if someone is sitting across the table from you.
- Arby's. Because have YOU ever seen anyone eat there with company? Have you ever not been there alone, eating horsemeat out of shame?